

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


How many of you out there, like me, try to keep up with hobbies while trying to balance work and life!? I've always been a jack of all trades (Masterette of None, unfortunately) and am trying to slow down to enjoy the fun things in life. The next hobby I'm going to under take is sewing! I've signed up for my first sewing class (At The Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica, by the way. Jan 28th, join up and say hi!). I dream of making my own bags, totes, dresses and presents for friends. Hopefully work won't pull me away from it so I can be a sewing machine (Ha!)!A few questions for everyone:What are your current hobbies or hobbies you want to learn?Are there any hobby that you've mastered and are pretty good at now?Any sewing learning tips?

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